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Easter Production Cast & Crew Sign Up

March 1

Our big Easter production is back!

Our production is based on Grammy winner David Clydesdale’s Let All Heaven Rejoice and features a dramatic soundtrack that follows the life of Jesus from his temptation in the wilderness through to his death, burial and resurrection.

There are a number of different roles for actors with minimal lines to memorize: disciples, Roman guards, Pharisees, the crowd that follows Jesus, Temple sellers, and healed people.

**Kids under 12 are welcome to be part of the crowd as long as they’re accompanied by an adult as part of the cast (younger children will not be part of the crucifixion scene).**

The Tech Crew helps with everything from sound and lighting to smoke machines and spotlights.

Stage Hands help prepare the stage and provide behind the scenes support.

Customer Service is all about making our guests fill welcomed and informed. Help us tell the greatest story we can tell: the story of Jesus.

Register HERE to be part of the big production.

2025 Show Dates: 
April 18 at 7pm 
April 19 at 5pm
April 20 at 5pm


New Hope Church
12350 Hall Shop Rd
Fulton, MD 20759 United States
+ Google Map